Mercedes Blanche: Moving to Hollywood (One Year Later)

Sailfin Sessions

It’s always such a treat to see social media star Mercedes Blanche! Her warmth and genuine positivity radiate through the studio as we sit down for an interview – one year after our first conversation. 

A lot can change in a year… 

Mercedes has since moved permanently to Los Angeles, California to pursue her dreams. She’s walked red carpets, enjoyed movie premieres, been featured in exciting new acting roles and signed with an LA Agency all in the past 365 days.  We certainly had a lot to catch up on.

The first three seconds of your video is very important. Add an "attention grabber" so people will keep watching. The upload timing is also important. When are you posting your video? If you're posting on a Saturday night, you won't have as much engagement as a Monday at lunch time.

How do you get invited to a red carpet?

Mercedes Blanche: You need to have a good PR team to get you in. I’m paying my PR to get me to those events. A lot of people ask me how much  I’m making from attending, but I’m not making a penny. It’s just for the joy, for the fun, for the connections. I always try to see it as a great way to connect with producers and directors. You can meet a lot of people. 

How important is social media?

Mercedes Blanche: I’ve been talking to a lot of aspiring actors and it’s just a constant struggle for them, if they don’t have a social media presence, to make money.  You go through a lot of struggle if you want to be an actor in 2024, because a lot of jobs are a one time flat rate. It’s a very tough and crowded industry. You just need to be in the right place at the right time and know the right people. 

Any advances in your career in social media?

Mercedes Blanche: It’s my main source of income right now. Last October I started doing funny videos in a comedic style and those are sponsored videos by clothing companies. I would literally just feature their outfits and tag the company. Those blew up. Then one brand saw that, and another brand and another brand and I just end up with a bunch of collaborations. Now my whole feed is paid gigs, which I’m super grateful for. LA is like a high school and the more followers you have, the more of a popular girl you are. I grew from 100,000 followers to 1.7 million and brands who didn’t want to work with me before are reaching out now. No thank you haha.

How did you grow in social media?

Mercedes Blanche: I do have a masters degree in project management, so maybe I unconsciously applied some of those methods. But, I like to check the viewer time because the longer someone is watching your video, the more views and viral you’re going to be. The first three seconds is very important, so add an “attention grabber” so people will keep watching. The timing is also important. When are you posting your video? If you’re posting on a Saturday night, you won’t have as much engagement as a Monday at lunch time. 

Do you have any advice for aspiring influencers?

Mercedes Blanche: Consistency and also be on every possible platform. Don’t just focus on one platform. If you want to be an influencer or social media person, you have to find ways to stand out on every platform. For example, I just got verified on Snapchat – which is another form of income. You can make so much money from advertisements. The goal of any influencers is to make money on brand deals, advertisements and collaborations.

Written and Produced by:

Picture of Eric Osborne

Eric Osborne

Picture of Hayley Butler

Hayley Butler

For more information about Mercedes and her work, you can visit her IMDb page. Make sure to follow her on Instagram to stay updated on her latest projects. 

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